Time of the shepherds

Time of the Shepherds

There is no compromise – you keep the sheep in the mountains of Georgia, you have to follow the old paths. Yet, it is XXI century and new rules come into force. Among other shepherds there is David, the brightest and toughest man on the block, owner of big flock. And there is his team…

EcoFilms in bear trap!

While working on a big photo assignment in Racha region, nearby Shaori Lake, Nika Tsiklauri was captured by huge bear trap. Here are some of press coverage links: http://www.netgazeti.ge/GE/105/opinion/14028/ http://www.myvideo.ge/?act=dvr&chan=meore&seekTime=27-10-2012+15%3A27 Poaching is still a huge problem in Georgia, though it’s better than it was some years ago. Working in the field, even in many of…